Okay, so here goes it.

It's day 1. I woke up at 11 the time I was planning on waking up, so that's a quick and easy successful start to the day! I struggled, but I did it. Then I washed my face and brushed my teeth, also a mini success! Theeeeen I did a 30 minute clean up, which yay more success! I cleaned up so much in 30 minutes, picked up trash, put away clothes, and did the dishes. It looks and feel so much freakin better in here. Every morning is a struggle to get up and take basic care of myself, so i'm proud of my morning so far. I'm rolling up a little blunty boy and heading to the gym. I'm feelin good.

Okay so there it went..

Its Saturday, day one was Monday. I didn't follow through with everything I was planning on following through with. But that's okay! I did achieve going to the gym 3 times this week which was a success! I did not really achieve any other goals other than that and waking up on time on Monday. But that's okay, it's the small steps that count. Getting into good habits is challenging for everyone, you're not special hunty! So Next week i'll hope to do a little bit better and continue to do the things that make me feel better. Will update soon.


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